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Lord Sidious/Chancellor Palpatine


                 Lord Sidious is the Sith Lord in George Lucas’s series,Star Wars, which includes six movies: Star Wars Epsiode I The Phantom Menace, Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones, Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope, Star Wars Episode V Attack of the Clones, and Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi. Sidious appears in all six of the films, however, not always as the villain. Lord Sidious doubles as a chancellor for the Galactic Empire in the first three movies where he gets his other name, Chancellor Palpatine. Sidious is a jedi master that is very familiar with the dark side of the force which he uses to attempt to take over the galaxy as the leader of the Sith.


                Palpatine is a very mysterious jedi. He used his sly approach to become the chancellor of the Galactic Empire while secretly ruling the Sith. This is huge for him because he could then get inside information from the Allies and use that knowledge against them. The main reason Sidious is a frightening character is because he is incredibly powerful. His jedi master, Lord Darth Plaguies, taught him everything there was to know about the dark side of the force. Sidious could shoot lightening-like energy from his hands which he used to kill several jedi. This worked to his advantage because he didn’t necessarily need a light saber like other jedi. No one ever wanted to be on the bad side of this bone-chilling Sith Lord, because he had no problem with brutally killing people.























        Sidious was extremely convincing throughout the Star Wars series. He convinced the Allies he was on their side while secretly being a Sith lord. Lord Sidious was even able to recruit The Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker, to be his apprentice after Anakin had been with the Allies for several years. The mischievous Sith Lord rarely showed his face and kept it hidden behind a creepy robe hood. The concept of having a jedi master as powerful as Sidious rule the entire galaxy is bloodcurdling. I believe that Sidious is the most powerful villian in Monster Literature that ever existed. Aside from his power and mischief, Lord Sidious had an evil, grotesque appearance that was highly intimidating. All of these features make the Sith Lord character a scary, merciless beast.







Here is a link to more information about Lord Sidious:


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