Monster Character WiKi
Jacob Black
from the Twilight Saga
Within the past 10 years or so, the Twilight Saga was at its peak. While its popularity has died down recently, it was a major part of teen’s lives: first with the books and then with the movies. There was always the debate with teenage girls: Edward or Jacob. Neither choice was a bad one, but everyone had their favorite. While Jacob didn’t actually “get the girl,” many people still regard him as their favorite. The question is, however, is he a human or a monster? Focusing more on the movie, Jacob starts to realize that he is more than just a high school student in the second movie, New Moon—he is part werewolf like his ancestors. He is in love with Bella Swan even though she is emotionally and physically unavailable because of Edward Cullen. Jacob displays characteristics of both a human and a monster. Loyalty and genuine love can be regarded as human qualities while aggression and his ability to become a werewolf can be seen as qualities of a monster.
The second movie in the saga, New Moon, is where Jacob’s character develops the most. He starts to realize after he spends the summer in La Push that he is part of something bigger than himself: a werewolf pack. His ancestry dates this inevitable beginning back many years. Because of this transformation from human to werewolf, some could argue that he is in fact a monster. Jacob transforms into a werewolf whenever he shows aggression. Eventually he learns to control himself, but at first it is difficult to control. The beginning of Jacobs’ transformation started around the time when he became interested in Bella. Because of his father’s warning, Jacob knew there was something up with Edward. This could have started the transformation because of his frustration and therefore led to his intense emotions for Bella. He became emotionally invested in Bella and it first showed through his aggression and progression into realizing that he is a werewolf.
Even though Jacob learned to control his aggression and when he transforms into a werewolf, aggression definitely does get the best of him in many instances. However, most of those instances are to protect Bella from either vampires trying to take her or other werewolves trying to take Renesmee. In New Moon, since Bella was in a deep depression because Edward left her, she turned to Jacob. She led him on during that period where he was trying to find himself. This could be yet another fuel to the fire of his aggression. He became so much closer to her, just to be let down once Edward came around again. There were little to no times throughout the series where he became aggressive for anybody but Bella. Therefore, it seems as though the qualities that could make him a monster actually are deep-seated from his loyalty and love for Bella.
The loyalty of Jacob to Bella is virtually unwavering throughout the saga, even though he is obviously on the losing end of any relationship he could have had with her. Although he did not imprint on Bella, he definitely showed many instances in the book where it could be perceived that he did. He feels totally and completely compelled to protect her and fight for her. After he learns of the pregnancy, he still stays in the house, which probably took some serious restraint considering the longing feud of werewolves and vampires. It seems as if it is instinctual for Jacob to do everything in his power, even when it is difficult for him, to watch over Bella. He also goes against his own pack because he ultimately knew the right thing to do in his heart. Also, after Jacob sees the baby, Renesmee, for the first time, he imprints on her. This is very interesting because she is part vampire, but also a product of Bella. A strong message is made as Jacob’s allegiance to Bella and her daughter is so strong that it doesn’t matter that they are seen as virtually enemies: love is stronger than hate. The loyalty and love for Bella from Jacob is seen in such a real way as he finally imprints on someone who happens to be so closely related to Bella.
Jacob is portrayed as a strong-willed and loving character who just so happens to be this monster-like werewolf. He proves so many times throughout the series that everything he does is in the name of Bella. Every action, mistake or transformation is in one way or another because of or for Bella. Therefore, it can be said that he acts in such a human-like way and his monster façade is just that—a cover for who he really is as a person. Jacob speaks and acts through his heart, rather than his head, which can be argued either positively or negatively. Throughout the portrayal of his character in the saga, it can be said that this is a positive trait, as he finally was able to imprint on Renesmee—the goal of most werewolves in his pack. His deep rooted emotions, from loss to love, bring him back from werewolf to human.
Meet Jacob Black: New Moon Trailer